Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Back to the Future

I've now seen over 50 new years mornings as an adult, and am finally willing to admit I may never make it to the Bigs. I am/was a decent fielder, but my curve is not impressive to most little league hitters. And the NBA is probably out too, while I have/had a good jump shot, as my college coach said "You don't have the speed to make it in the (then) PAC8, and you're too short".

That really hurt to finally say.

Anyway, had a great Christmas with the fam. The 3 year old granddaughter got to play in the smattering of snow Seattle got before it melted.

She even built a snowman. 

Now it's the Rose Bowl, in which my beloved Ducks are not playing, but I'll manage to root for Stanford. 

Hope you all have a interesting New Year. 


  1. Oh, but all the things you mastered that really matter...the reasons I admire you (not that my admiration counts for anything, but I do then there must be tens of hundreds more who feel the same - people who really know you.)

    Happy New Year, Mike.

  2. Did you REALLY just wish us all an INTERESTING new year??? When did you stop loving us?

    1. Now now, m'dear. That is in Fate's hands, I am merely it's instrument.
      Much love,

  3. Happy New Year "to each and every one." The old one wasn't that great for the Troutbirders so I'm hoping the new one is better all the way around...:)

    1. Yeah, the 'golden years', eh TB? Sorry for whatever has been of trouble for you and the family, and hope the best for you all in the year ahead.

  4. Ooh, interesting. That's is a mixed blessing. Seems dangerously close to the curse "May you live in interesting times."

    1. Well, that is the hope, yes? To live in interesting times is one of the best ways to live a life.
