Friday, April 25, 2014

Back Home/Apple falls not far....

Got back after a bit of an issue with the truck near Spokane, but home. It's Seattle redux, 40's and raining, the snow is gone, hear me?, gone from my yard. In April. Unheard of....

Anyway, the time with the Adorable Grandchild was so good........she's a fabulous child

No idea why she's sideways in the pic, anybody?

While there, one evening my oldest brought out a pic of her sister, in 1999 I believe....I remembered it, it was on the front page of the Seattle Times......I was in Chicago as I remember, for those days, at the ATA conference. I got a call saying my youngest had made it 'above the fold' as the newspaper saying goes. She was maybe 16, skipped school and demonstrated with the other anti-WTA people. I should say at this point she came home afterward, did not, repeat, did not take part in the anarchist stuff....

But.....I remembered a time, years ago...

A pic I've posted before, 1970, after the Kent state incident. I'm in the middle, white shirt.

Anyway, nowadays, protesters often wear masks over their faces, scarves, etc. Not my kid. Nope, nope, nope...

The one in the middle, no mask, whistling, two fingers method I taught her?  Yeah, my kid.

What can I say.....

I'm proud of her, then and now. She's managing a buisness now, and doing it well.


  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a little innocent, wholesome, anarchy...or, so I've heard. Although, some would say pride is a sin-there was even one of them thar moving pictureshows about it!-I'd wage you've every reason to be sinful ;).

    1. Nope, Robbie, ain't nothin' wrong with it. And if pride's a sin, one of the seven deadly ones, I'll deal with the reaper when he-she comes.

  2. Both Kent and KSU have remade themselves. New campus, new downtown. I've been there for STEM fairs with the kids; I still get lost getting out of town. Amazing what the kids do, no?

    1. The pic I'm in shows downtown Portland circa 1970....5 years later, it was improved, wonderful, thanks to then mayor Neil Goldschmidt.

  3. Good for you and the kids, Mike.

  4. By the way, I got your granddaughter's picture straightened out but I've lost your email address.

    1. You have it by now. Yeah, the kids are wonders what you put in their minds, what came from where, etc. But to see them flower, their ideas, their's really great, sitting back and watching.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. When I was a teen in California, my cousin and I attended a anti war ralley. We carried signs supporting it. Little did we know that we would both end up going to VN. Kind of funny when I think about it.

    2. I should have said, supporting the war.

    3. After my second tour I got out, for a while I went to some VVAW activities, but the ad hoc nature of the group changed, the agenda went places I didn't like.
      Funny what happened to us, yeah. I joined the navy specifically because I wanted a typist gig on a ship in the Med. Instead, they made me a corpsman and detailed me to the marines.

  6. That's cool. Although given how free some cops feel to mace people. I might wear a scarf over my face, too!

    I don't know what photo editing program you use, but in mine if you rotate a photo and then don't save the new rotated version, it'll load into blogger in its original form.

    1. Ah, you may have it there...don't know that I saved it after I righted it.

      Emily has always been a 'it's all up front' kid. Don't think she gets the idea of masks...

  7. It takes a yard of guts to protest, especially for things worth protesting for. My opinion of you and yours has risen more than a few notches after reading this post. The world could use a few more of your kind, especially nowadays!

    1. Well Herman, ok. The social action is a family tradition of grandfather was one of the founding members of the IWW, known in the NW as the wobblies.
      They are out there, they are just doing it differently.

  8. Every right to be proud there, Dad. Well as to protesters my original effort on the U of Minn. campus in the early sixties was the "Fair Play for Cuba" group. That went down hill fast....:)

    1. Hope you have an medallion of St. Jude, TB. My wife gave me one years ago.
