Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Scan, Pt. 2

Turns out the Lexmark software does have some editing, of a sort. I figured out how to make the copies larger, and adjust the contrast. Now, I just need it to do some of that stuff one see's in the movies, digital enhancement, see a gnat's hind end from 100 yards, etc.

St. Francis school, ca. 1953. I'm somewhere in the right end, my sister to the left end. Somewhere.....

As I remember, I had trouble with this bike until I grew a bit more. 


  1. Mike, these photos look good to me. Every bit as good as my scanner would do.

  2. Why didn't they get a bike that fit you?

    1. Well, it was the 50's, and their philosophy was 'he'll grow into it, it'll last longer'.
