Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Surprised?? I don't get it.

For Transgender Service Members, Donald Trump’s Ban Is ‘A Shot In The Face’

From the Huffington site. 

Why oh why is anyone surprised??  Yes, he said a year ago he'd "protect LGBT" rights. And now he does this.  Yeah?  What's your issue?  Ok, if you have been paying attention the last year or more, and expected him to actually 'protect LGBT', please raise your hand and then blush accordingly. 

You got who you elected, all 59 million of you. 



  1. You are correct - how can they be surprised. He is a walking contradiction - aka liar. I think it is a matter that they don't want to admit that they have been duped.

  2. I still can't believe we're in this mess. It's like waking up in an alternate universe every damn day.

  3. There is nothing he says that can or should be believed. He is a threat to social order.

  4. That small little warped mind of his just wants to undo everything Obama put into place.

  5. There are no words big or small or strong or weak enough. Nevertheless, the millions and millions of us who care will prevail.

    1. I hope you are right Joanne. The 2018 elections should tell. Even if Trump is still in office and voters don't pitch out the Republicans over the repeal of the ACA debacle and failure to disavow Trump, then there isn't much hope.

    2. Be positive. I'm looking forward to a shellacking, taken with grace.
