Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Where in the world is........?

The cook down the street is on walkabout, he's been taking a diving class on an island off Thailand and generally making a nuisance of himself by sending photos of beaches and food. He's also been travelling apparently.  He sent this one the other day, and it took me a bit to figure out that I have seen in before, in person. Any guesses? It's a place that has had thousands of photo's taken, most on a certain date in 1975.

Maybe adding one thing might help, a helicopter....

I had a chance to go back several years ago, to help start a cardiac center in Hue, and declined. 


  1. Such a momentous place and certainly makes me feel a wave of guilt, although I had nothing to do with it.

    1. That's exactly what the Germans of a certain (assumed) age say about WW2

  2. Even though I guessed, dropping my eyes to the evaculation picture was startling.

  3. If only that had been the last one.

  4. Looks like the presidential palace in Saigon.

    1. I actually spent little time there when Incountry. I know I've gone past it in a pedicab, but don't remember any specifics.

  5. Takes me back to my senior year in high school--I was in Saigon in 2011 and never saw any buildings like that with just one motorbike in the foreground--those bikes seemed to swell to fill every street

  6. The helicopter pic says U.S. embassy in Saigon. Isn't it always hot and humid there?

    1. It's never 'cold, though the monsoon and dry seasons seem very different when you've been there a year.

  7. Dumb me. Curious about "several years ago" and "declined."

    1. Not at all, TB. It was 1985, the practice I was with in Seattle had several docs involved with a local peace docs. They were setting up a cardiac clinic in Hue, where I'd been during the Tet offensive....I just couldn't bring myself to go back. A weakness, no doubt, but not one that I could overcome at that point.
