With visibility less than half a mile yesterday, this was the view the kids got when we went to the infamous Berkeley Pit.
The pit is less than a half mile wide at this point. Oh, and the Ph.....? At this point something less than 1.5. Last fall around 10,000 snow geese landed there on their southward migration. None took off.
Bad timing.....this is what they are going to see on their vacation.
Told them to bring eye drops and asthma meds if needed. Bummer, because this will be the grands first visit to Montana, and it could be LA or Mexico City on a smoggy day. "There are mountains right over there, really!".........'sure, grandpa.....'
Seattle Mayor Murray calls for removal of Confederate monument, Lenin statue
Confederate Soldier, fine. Lenin....that's one step over the line.Following is from wikipedia:
Fremont curiosity
The statue of Lenin became a Fremont landmark and object of curiosity, representing the quirky nature of the artistic neighborhood, whose motto is Libertas Quirkas, freedom to be peculiar.[14][15] Like the Fremont Troll and the Waiting for the Interurban sculpture, the Lenin statue is often decorated, appropriated, or vandalized with various intentions, both whimsical and serious.[14][16]
A glowing Soviet-style red star or Christmas lights have been added to the statue during the holiday season since 2004.[6][20] For the 2004 Solstice Parade, the statue was made to look like John Lennon. During Gay Pride Week, the statue is dressed in drag.[6]
The statue's hands are often painted, and re-painted, red to protest the perceived glorification a historical villain with blood on his hands for deaths comparable with Hitler or Stalin.[14] The Taco del Mar restaurant, one of the retail property's tenants, constructed monumental-scale burrito wrapped in foil for the statue to hold, which one Fremont publisher said did not turn out as intended, but rather "looked like a doobie" (cannabis cigarette).[14][14]
Why did trump do a reversal, back to the original, comments on Charlotte? I see only four possible reasons.
1. He's actually nuts.
2. He sees no consequence to his actions, because he thinks he has no consequences.
3, He thinks his base can come through on the next election, and bring others with them. Similar to the last election.
4. It makes no difference to him, because he doesn't plan on there being another election. Witness his threats of war against other countries, Venezuela was the last, I wouldn't rule out other countries, Mexico, anyone else he thinks will work with the general populace of his constituents. I think this is the most likely of the possibilities. He plans on appointing himself president for life. He'll declare a state of emergency, for one war or another. Already a poll exists that indicates over 50% of republicans would support this. Think about this for a moment, let it sink in. We no longer want a democracy, we just want our tribe to win. What they will do, what our policies are, are of n importance. What's important is that 'we' win.
I somehow don't think he's actually a nazi, a racist anti-Semite. I don't think he's got that intelligence to be so inclined. I think he's just a one focus nut, on himself, and has not thought anything through. His attention span is that of a 5 year old, and whomever talked to him last is what is in his brain.
59 fucking million of you voted for him. I hope you're happy. You've elected a genuine narcissistic nut to the presidency. You've tainted the office for the foreseeable future.
I don't advocate, usually, violence in most forms. I do advocate being able to defend ones's self. With the president we have in office, and the maggots that feel free to crawl out from below their rocks, we better acknowledge, as my son did some posts ago, that we should be ready. This means more than singing 'we shall overcome'.
Gandhi and MLK are not the ones we have to emulate now. We have a president, duly elected, that is giving these scum freedom to act on their base beliefs.
What we need to do, is be prepared.
My youngest shot this at around 15 yards a few years ago, a 10 shot clip. Took about 15 seconds. She got better with the last rounds. Do this, and don't put flowers in the barrels of the right wing nuts coming at you.
In new poll, half of Republicans say they would support postponing election if Trump proposed it
From the SF Chronicle. It's in most of the major news. And I saw this coming months ago. Ready for the New America, one that does not require elections?
Been watching, as I'm sure you all have, the current state with North Korea, and our nut of a president. We're in a position we haven't been in since 1962, with Cuba.
My thoughts turn tonight to my youngest, Emily. The one perhaps the most like me, which may not be a compliment.
I enclose a picture of her that made the top of the fold in the Seattle Times, when the WTO was in Seattle.
She's the one that isn't shielding her face.
And the song, by the Cranberries, which always make her think of me and my other girl.
As Satchel Paige famously said "If I'd know I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself". I'd love to be out there, backpacking and exploring.
The upper valley of Notellum creek, know to few, told to fewer.
The Dumas Brothel, 45 E. Mercury St, has had several owners over the years. Current owners Michael Piche and Travis Eskelsen purchased the property in 2012 and later began operating it as a museum. The building is on the National Register of Historic Places. It was an operating bordello from 1890 to 1982.
Annie Pentilla, The Montana Standard
The owners of the Dumas Brothel in Uptown Butte hope to sell a duplex and use the proceeds to pay off $64,000 they still owe on a $67,000 loan they got from the Urban Revitalization Agency.
The agency’s board agreed to the plan Tuesday, giving owners Michael Piche and Travis Eskelsen 90 days from the time of listing to sell a duplex at 409 W. Mercury St. and make good on the loan.
You wouldn't think of Montana when you think of air quality. However, this time of year is also fire season. In fact, we had a small (20 acres) one just over the hill behind my house. As the sun rises this morning there is a kind of golden glow to everything, which would be attractive were it not for everything smelling like a campfire. It's also a tad hot during the day, mid-eighties, but it cools into the 40's at night.
The 'view' to the south, towards the Highlands, barely visible.