Thursday, January 31, 2019

Adorable One goes disco

I think she found 'Saturday Night Fever' on some streaming channel.


  1. Replies
    1. She has them both in good supply, Tom. You getting the rain that has soaked SoCal?

  2. Sweet indeed... As to pizza I took public school seniors to Europe 5 times to Europe in program called "classroom without walls. The idea was to broaden their historical horizons. It mostly worked except for food. They preferred McDonalds "realfood that found in Italy and France. Apparently Italians didn't know how to make Pizza. They did like the beer though in Hitlers famous hanout in Munich. (Athletes had to have a special permit by State Rule from their parents to imbibe....:)

    1. My Italian professor, a sweet old woman from Roma (in 1966) explained pizza was served on Monday, by washerwomen, and consisted of the previous week's leftovers, on a pizza crust and under a ladle of the ever present gravy.

    2. Hey Ray
      Hope you're doing well and weathering the winter that has pretty much skipped Montana (so far). When we lived in Europe I couldn't believe the number of obvious Americans heading into the McDonalds when there was a good Italian/German/French restaurant next door.

  3. If she ever wants to get rid of that shirt....

  4. Replies
    1. Yep, she does sparkle. Her mom found that jacket a goodwill when dropping off clothes.

  5. Got to get those arms up, dear heart.

    1. Right after Fiona and I convince her mother to get a flashing lights floor and chrome disco ball on the ceiling.
