Thursday, March 6, 2025

 I'm still here, shaking my head at what this country is becoming.  

The orange asshole told us what he was going to do, the country had evidence of what he was, and based on that, the US elected him to the office of President. And now we have him.

We had a saying, phrase really, back in my days in the military, circa '66-68. 'We are well and truly fucked'. And yep, we are now. 

We've elected someone who will, and it seems his goal, to fuck this country up to the maximum extent he can. 

I have no idea, and it seems irrelevant, if he is being led/controlled by someone else...musk, Putin..we are still going to be the recipient of a reaming this country has never seen. 

It's frustrating for next birthday will make me in the octogenarian category, and some health issues keep me from taking to the streets, so to speak. So I sit and watch as we go down the tube. 

 As unimportant as they are, here's a few photos of life with me now. 

From the top, the youngest grandchild, wearing a sweater made by the oldest daughter..the hospital where I was born, torn down in 1966, making bread rolls wth the youngest grandkids, and after my wedding in 1968. 

Hope all are well.