Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Vaccine #2

 Got the second poke yesterday late afternoon....15 hours later arm is slightly tender to the touch, no other side effects at far. Only advantage to getting up there in years is side effects tend to be less than younger people. Our immune system is less effective than younger folk. It might be a two-edge's unknown if our system is then less protected. Oh well, guess we'll see. In the meantime and for the foreseeable future it's mask, distancing, etc. 


  1. Kudos to you for getting vaccinated! I get my 2nd shot in about a week. I wish there weren't so many people resistant to getting vaccinated. It really makes me wonder what's rolling around in there heads, but on second thought, I don't believe what's in there is worth wondering about.

    1. Haven't heard from you before, I think, memory being what it is. Interesting blog, kind of what mine was like before I got boring and kind of disinterested in so many things. Will add you to things I read.

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, I find it interesting I have no, other than a mild tenderness in arm, side effects. Either shot.

  3. Glad you have completed your jabs. Right on still being cautious. Now we have to figure how get hundreds of millions of additional doses to places where they need to be, here and especially abroad.

    1. Exactly right, vaccinating our country while ignoring the rest of the world will do nothing to stop the virus.

  4. Perhaps like lack of a smallpox reaction you already are immune.
    My second shot is next Tuesday.

    1. Alas, I was premature. Feel pretty bad today, nothing serious, but not fun.

  5. Congratulations on your second shot and lack of reaction. Ours are a week from today. Daughter had about one day of chills and fatigue and slight tenderness in the arm but nothing serious. She got hers before us because she's a hospice worker.

    1. Spoke too soon, they started just about 28 hours after injection. No sleep last night.

  6. YES good for you. For me first shot March 4 I waited forever at WFMC world famous Mayo Clinic and it was hopeless. So I called my County public health nurse and she got me an a few days after I called. My annual physicals showed since my A1c is below six theoretically I don't have diabetes anymore so I asked my primary care guy if I 80-year-old former fly fisherman could die of boredom he thought not but recommended I go out and find a girlfriend talk about hard(another problem) all the widowed grandmothers are too busy and involved with their grandchildren. However once I get my pandemic shots next fall I'm going back out to Montana and Yellowstone to hunt with my new camera grizzly bears and help
    fly fishing is out because of my lack of balance and I don't really care to drown. Hopefully by that time Iwill have a female companion so with the vaccine in place thank God that God Almighty free free at last thank God Almighty I will be free to live again :-) Ray

    1. Good plan, Ray. Head to the Lamar Valley of Yellowstone, hike a ways up Slough Creek, and carry bear spray.

  7. My immune system clearly sucks because I had nothing more than a headache.
