Tuesday, July 28, 2020

What they are eating in Danang, Vietnam

My friend who's been living there since October, sent me these picture of recent meals at a local restaurant. Until the recent case of covid, Danang has had no cases for a couple months.

As a country, Vietnam has a population of just under a third of the US. They have had fewer than 500 cases out of their 93 million people. And zero deaths. No wonder my friend is in no hurry to return.

Anyway, here are three seafood dinners. To me, they all look delicious. The huge shrimp have a sauce of garlic, butter and sweet chili. Not sure what the oysters have, but it looks excellent to me.

Hope all are well. 


  1. According to my Michigan Tech engineering graduate the food in South Vietnam was really good. The Buddhists hated the Catholics who dominated the corrupt government Successors of the Catholic French, the Americans he also reported to me that his project rebuilding the water system in Saigon required bribery to the corrupt government to make it happen. That was obviously all long ago. I'm sure you're quite correct the food now is still very good

    1. The Vietnamese have retained some of the French in their food, particularly the bread. Bahn Mi. My friend says it's all delicious, and ridiculously cheap....a great dinner for 4 for 25 bucks.

  2. Hey Mike, I'm wondering if you have ever heard from eco-rover? Back in the day he sent me a copy of his book which was a history of the road from Montana State where my son got his advanced degree south to West Yellowstone. I still remember him passionately hugging a tree. My kind of guy and also his love for protecting grayling.

    1. Ray, I know he's still up at Montana Tech, I would guess he's nearing retirement. He and I used to fish the Jefferson and Quartz creek occasionally. I haven't seen him in more than a couple years, but I still see his old Land Rover around town. I think he's given up on blogging.

  3. One advantage to a government who looks after their people, but demands they follow the rules. They have teeth in their regulations. Follow the regs, you don't even know the military are there. My friend says he sees fewer police and military than in the US. And the 'regs' are not of the Stalinist variety.

  4. Well, Vietnam style seafood is not so popular...well, don't know what your missing.

  5. I heard an interview a month or so ago with a Vietnamese journalist who was describing his country's handling of the Covid crisis. As you say, it's a country with strict laws and enforcement but they certainly handled the pandemic better than we did.

    The food looks delicious and the prices are similar to what they were when we moved to Mexico in 1987.

    1. Some of the best seafood I've had was in Mexico. A place in Mulege had whole rockfish grilled and smothered in green chili sauce.

  6. I could have read blogs all day without seeing such luscious food. Maybe in the years to come...

  7. They all look delicious to me, too. I tend to mostly travel to places with shorelines so I can get good seafood.

    1. Have you traveled to SE Asia yet? Along with Mexico, some of the best seafood in the world. Ok, Italy isn't bad, and the oysters on the west coast of France are great...

  8. Great looking chow. Working on getting my appetite back after a medical intervention. These pictures motivate.

  9. One addition....Da Nang has had a covid outbreak, three deaths, on lockdown, etc. More as I know it.
