Saturday, October 29, 2016

A visit

I'm made some posts in the past about my son Henry.  He's between the daughters in age, got out of the military (Army Rangers) after 6 years, is living in Portland, working, going to PCC, doing well.

Here's a couple of pictures of him, a few years ago, in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of each, I think:

Henry is doing very well, and once you get past the fact he's around six two, and has wide shoulders, is a disarmingly nice guy.  

As I mentioned, he's in school, also working full time, and has a new person he seems attached to, in a serious way. They were just out here for a couple days, her name is Kate. She's Irish, though appearances can sometimes deceive. 

I think Henry may be onto something here. 

Always a wonder and fascination to see your kids lives develop, eh? 

Not many more days, folks. Keep your spirits up, hope for the best. 



  1. What do you mean, Irish, though appearances can deceive? Be civil, now! The boy has taste.
    I once posted about my then 18 month old grandson looking like he would be a tall 'un, and his 5'8" father telling me there were no tall people in his family. I snorted and told him there were more genes than his involved. The boy today is 6'2" and 14 years old. Fun watching grand kids grow, too.

    1. She was adopted as an infant by a New Jersey Irish couple, has a Jersey accent and attitude. A great kid. As one of my girls told her brother, 'this one is a keeper'.

  2. You have every reason to be a proud dad. They make a handsome couple, don't they?

    1. And they seem to function well together, seems like they've been with each other for years, instead of months. Time will tell

  3. Thanks for the introduction to Henry and Kate. Seeing young couples is energizing.

    1. It is, isn't it? And it's nice to know that life will go on, with or without us. I like that.

  4. Aw, that's nice to see. And yes, fascinating to watch. My younger son is in his first really serious relationship, loving with his girlfriend in his first apartment and suddenly he seems so grown up!
