Tuesday, March 21, 2017

This time of year...

The Big Hole River, flows into the Jefferson, then the Missouri, then on to the Mississippi, ends up in the Gulf of Mexico, after passing New Orleans.

Up here however, it's a different river. A 'blue ribbon' trout stream, great fishing, and less than 30 minutes from my house. It's also a magnet for millionaires and billionaires, from all over, but seems like most from California.

They build these McMansions, thousands of square footage, for the two to six weeks they spend here. They build them near the river, for convenience's sake. Don't want to walk to far to fish.

In the winter the river ices over, sometimes completely, no open water. Large ice sections build up, become dams of a sort, then in the spring, with rising temps, break loose and head downstream. Sometimes these 8,000 sq ft houses wash away.

Oh dear.

Perhaps I'm insensitive. 


  1. I don't think you're insensitive at all.

  2. I don't think you're insensitive at all.

  3. I agree with Robbie, both times. :)

  4. Ditto. I get what you say. My eldest daughter used to live in Naples Fl, where they build hotel sized "beach houses" that are rarely occupied. Even if one can afford such excess, why would you?

  5. What ever happened to the one or two room cabin with cots, stove and sink?

  6. Just because they have money does not mean that they have brains.

  7. Nah. It is only money and they obviously have a lot of it. Maybe they should take a geology and climatology class or two.

  8. Are there any rivers in need of ice dams that flow through Silicon Valley? It's usually best to get to the source of the problem.

  9. I have remarkably little sympathy for massive second houses built in natural areas, when nature wipes them away. Much less the people who own them.

  10. I am morally opposed to McMansions (or, as I call them, Pasture Castles). They are a blight.

  11. Well, I used to complain about such things thanks to federal flood insurance (But now I am enjoying the piece of mind of such insurance since I am close to the ocean).

  12. If these mansioners had brains they'd be dangerous.


  13. It seems like a colossal waste of money to me. A lot of people could use some of it. It may be cold there, but it sure is beautiful.
