Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The low bar

In his first month as 'president', trump has managed to lower expectations so far that if he can stand and speak in semi-coherent sentences for an hour, waiting after two sentences for applause, we call that a 'successful', even 'good' speech.

Fucking Christ on a Stick, as an uncle used to say.

Here's our standard for this sorry excuse of a man that 59 fucking million people voted for:

And he barely clears the bar. 


  1. Just glad he was not an embarrassment to the global audience even though much of what he said cannot be verified.

  2. What a sweet little lamb in that picture.

    Yes, maybe that was his strategy? Lower the bar so much that just basic public speaking becomes a reason for success?

    Though, I doubt it. I think he just follows his whims and doesn't think anything through before the fact. He got that good speechwriter (Stephen Miller, a true hater of all good things) who at least proved that Trump actually can read, I guess? Because he read the speech Miller wrote. Ivanka helped, too, I hear.

    You know what? We're going to make it through this. I have no proof, but I have to believe.

  3. And all the Trumplodites are beside themselves with joy. "He sounds SO presidential!"

    It makes me want to puke.

  4. Someone wrote a speech-a decent speech. He read it from a teleprompter. Such is the state of the world that we call that progress.

  5. After two years of speaking nonsense and lies and berating anybody who opposes him, he finally gives a speech with complete sentences. For this he is praised. Yes, the bar is low, but his followers are ecstatic.

    1. If he shoots someone, or assaults a woman in public, his followers applaud (and mimic...)

  6. I was upset at how often he said or mouthed "thank you". But maybe that's just me.

  7. Didn't watch but was shocked when friends were surprised at his articulation.

    Whut? I thought.

    But still couldn't watch.


  8. All over this. But the damn is leaking and crumbling. We must keep pushing. Then, the long process of mopping up.

    1. Was is Willie the Shake who wrote "There are many a slip twix the cup and the lip..." or something like that. It ain't predictable what might happen.

  9. Comparing Trump to that lamb is a outrage! You should apologize to it... (rim shot please!)
