So far there are around 30 or more governors, mostly the gop, who have proclaimed that no Syrian immigrants will be allowed into their states. And one of our more repugnant gop presidential candidates (a low bar indeed) has said he wouldn't allow Muslims in the immigrant mix. It's unclear if he'd deport those presently here and citizens.
Perhaps if the gop folk would read past the sacrosanct 2nd amendment they might realize that it's not within their purview to decide who gets to live in their state. One of my favorite governors, Tom McCall of Oregon, tried that around 1970 to keep Californians out of Oregon. Didn't work worth a hoot. So these bozos politicizing the immigrant plight to further show their dislike for the President is about as valid as my saying "No more Texans in Montana", and less worthy.
In 1943 the US and the UK had an opportunity to evacuate and take in thousands of Jewish refugees, some still in Europe (Portugal, Spain, 'neutral France'), they met in Bermuda and decided that it would be unpopular at home. In 1939 the US had the chance to evacuate 100,000 Jewish refugees, mostly women and children, from Europe. FDR had poll taken, and only 6% of those polled were in favor.
And here we are again. This time, at the gop's urging, the US population seems to be ignoring the facts of the matter, and going on fear and fearmongery. It's being completely ignored that our situation in regard to immigrants is night and day compared to Europe. None, repeat none, of the terrorists acts in the US have been committed by immigrants. We don't have boats of undocumented refugees landing on the shores of South Carolina, or California (well, maybe the odd Mexican who has a boat). It's the least efficient, and the least likely method that a terrorist is going to use to gain entry to the US. It's much easier and safer to simply get a passport from France, the UK, Belgium, etc and come. Or get a student visa from Saudi Arabia. It takes a minimum of two years, living out of this country, probably in a refugee camp, to get entry as an immigrant. Two years, and likely longer. Why in hell would any terrorist do this instead of getting a compliant Saudi government to issue them a student visa?
Why then is every gop senator, congressman, governor and able to talk spouting the demagogy we're hearing about 'no more middle east immigrants', or even 'no Muslim immigrants'?
Because they know it plays. They know there are enough of us out there who'll nod and say 'damn right', and pop another budweiser. Facts, truth, don't matter to the gop. Fear and emotions do.
Land of the free, and home of the brave. As long as you aren't one of the groups immortalized in this poem:
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
― Emma Lazarus
Sorry Emma, those days are long gone.