Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A new standard


  1. Mike, let's hope what prior administrations did right can sustain us through the tough times ahead.

  2. 2018 can't come soon enough. Let's hope the dim bulbs finally get it and throw out the GOP.

  3. Now THAT is quite an accomplishment! Hopefully, he will soon be charged with Obstruction of Justice (like Nixon was)!

  4. We should start a movement now to asterisk his presidency.
    *A non majority president who earned office by the now defunct electoral college process. A polarizing media personality with no previous government experience. A sexual predator, serial adulterer, bankrupt casino owner, fraudulent college founder, habitual liar, and narcissist.

  5. I have been astounded to find myself actually nostalgic for Bush. I still don't like him, but he doesn't hold a candle to Trump.
