Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Turn around, and they are 6, turn around and.......

Seems like yesterday she was in the NICU at Seattle Children's, liver half out of her body, tubes everywhere......

Now, nary a backward look as she's off to the school bus.


  1. Have you ever noticed that the grandchildren grow up faster than the children did?

  2. Damn! Now we've become our grandparents!

  3. Time goes by too quickly and we have to savor the moments.

  4. My son recently gave himself a very close buzzcut, making the big scar from his brain surgery very visible. I was back 18 years in time in a heartbeat when I saw it.

  5. Grandkids are a totally different thing, and I do think they age much quicker. Thanks for posting this Mike, you've really got my memory banks going.
