Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Fewer political posts....

You might have noticed that I'm doing less of the politically bent posts. The reason is twofold;, one, one of the bloggers we all follow, Tom Cochrun of Light Breezes does it better, is a better writer and has a deeper understanding of the issues than do I. And, it's preaching to the choir here. If there is a trump supporter in the readers of my blog, they don't comment, therefore they don't exist to me.

So that's why. Not to say I won't at some point, if like Obie, I think there is a point.


  1. In case you didn't see it, some wag on twttr called this photograph the Addams Family Visits the Pope.

    1. I like Angelica Huston far too much to want to compare her to the first dress dummy. What's the word I'm looking for......ah, manikin...

  2. Mike, I feel your political views are well-considered and valuable. I also feel some relief that Trump didn't try to snatch the Pope's zucchetto cap off like the little girl did last month.

    1. I liked her. There is a difference between being cheeky and being a buffoon.

  3. Mike-I think you give me too much credit. I worry my political concern is tiresome to others-just too many seasons in newsrooms to break the habit.

    1. It's not tiresome or irrelevant. It's needed, I've learned a fair amount from your blog, and I'm not ill-informed. Carry on, please.

  4. I like your political posts. Sometimes the choir needs to see its viewpoints displayed, for encouragement.

    1. Yeah, true. But I wish things like marches, videos, memes, translated into change. i don't see they do.

  5. There is a GIF going around that has him shoving his way to the front pushing aside a NATO leader and looking angry that they are not playing nice to him. All so sad.

    1. I have watched that numerous times. Too bad the Montenegro Prime Minister didn't punch him in the face.

    2. Just saw it. Let's compare it to President Obama's recent appearance in Berlin as to appearing 'Presidential'.

  6. Thanks for the pointer toward that blog - it looks interesting.

    Isn't this photo absolutely chilling?
