And I'm sincere about that. Depends on our impression of me. I'm a Liberal, capital 'L', as I've stated before.. All the usual stuff. Except....
I like to shoot guns, and I'm fairly decent at it. As is one of my daughters. I don't do it a lot anymore, my successor, Henry, my son, was a Army paratrooper, and used a long gun in Iraq and Afghanistan.
So there is this other side of me. I protest, yeah, and I'll be out with you there on the streets, with the signs, etc in the next few years. But I'm really not a non-violent guy, in terms that are classically used. A pacifist. Not that, not my nature. . I'm not violent, mind you. As my kids and friends can verify, if you're my friend or kin. Or a patient, got to put that one in. But turning the other cheek don't come naturally.
I spent two years, nearly, in a hot, humid, unfriendly land, SE Asia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and a venture into Burma the South Border of a country we won't mention now, but our new con man president has some ties to.
I was a medic, a corpsman. I got identified early, through circumstances not ones I want to relate, as someone who could fire a rifle. And pistol.
My kin were at fault, my dad, his brothers and cousins had me shooting before I was 5.
Geez, come to think of it, one of the girls can say she shot a rifle around that same age.
Anyway, I have this target .22, that's fun to take out and bang around with here. And by here, I mean I can go target practice less than 2 miles from my house, in the woods.
A Colt Woodsman
I don't expect many comments from this, just thought I'd tell you what I did on my days 'off'.' I haven't trotted out this little gem in a couple years. It's old, but still seems to work. I took a magazine to shoot at various bottles and can, then set up three targets, 25 yards away. 'bout 75 feet.
Here's my targets, around 25 yards, three in succession:

Have to say, I'm not usually that good, referring to the last target. As the youngest will attest. That's more her average than mine.
Anyway, I'm still the same guy who wrote the last post, a nice guy. Just don't do what someone who at the university in Seattle threatened, or demean my kid. Not much can piss off a boomer-age guy than some neo nazi harassing his daughter. Don't recommend, it, kid.
No snow here, day after Thanksgiving, warmer than I can remember.
Cheers to you all.